Tales Of Zoivane

Male Or Female Cat: Which to adopt?
Cats make great companions & there’s a vast array of different breeds available in various sizes and colors. However, when it comes to gender, there are various stigmas & myths attached to ...
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7 Essential Commands to Teach your Dog Today!
Getting a dog home is the first step, be it a puppy or an adult, a purebred or a mixed rescue. But, trust us, this is only the beginning of your Pet Parenting Journey & the challenges that com...
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Male Dogs VS Female Dogs: which is better for you
Getting a dog is one momentous decision of your life that creates beautiful memories yet is filled with responsibility. The first question potential Pet parents ask themselves is whether to shop a ...
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First Vet Visit: What to Expect
The day you’ve been waiting for, for so long is finally here! Your new puppy / kitten is ready to come home with you! You’ve taken care of all the essentials - food, crate, supplies, bedding, you’v...
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Adopt or Shop? A Zoivane Analysis
While deciding on a pet, it’s best to learn about which breed would be most comfortable in your house & would be best suited for your lifestyle. It’s important to take into account factors like...
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