Tales Of Zoivane

Crate Training is an important tool while you’re training your puppy / kitten. Crate Training takes advantage of your pet’s natural instinct to seek a comfortable, safe & peaceful atmosphere an...
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Male Dogs VS Female Dogs: which is better for you
Getting a dog is one momentous decision of your life that creates beautiful memories yet is filled with responsibility. The first question potential Pet parents ask themselves is whether to shop a ...
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First Vet Visit: What to Expect
The day you’ve been waiting for, for so long is finally here! Your new puppy / kitten is ready to come home with you! You’ve taken care of all the essentials - food, crate, supplies, bedding, you’v...
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Potty Training: Everything You Need To Know
Puppies / kittens aren’t trained when you get them home. Training is a pet pawrent’s first foray into building a foundation of affection, love, acceptance & patience with their pet. One of the ...
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The foundation of Zoivane Pets has always been YOU– The Zoivane Community, our pet parents. It is because Saumya could not potty train her Shih-Tzu Oreo that we came up with the Potty-Training Spra...
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Common challenges faced by pet parents
Getting a pet is surely one of the best things you can do, as a pet parent and for the pet as well. As one says “Dog’s are a man's best friend”, Yes, they surely are! But there are many challenges...
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