Tales Of Zoivane

Male Dogs VS Female Dogs: which is better for you
Getting a dog is one momentous decision of your life that creates beautiful memories yet is filled with responsibility. The first question potential Pet parents ask themselves is whether to shop a ...
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Costliest & Cheapest Dog Breeds
Dogs are undoubtedly a man’s best friend. Their affection, love & company is second to no other animal & most definitely cannot be measured in terms of price. Regardless of which breed you ...
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What’s the perfect age to get a new Puppy or Kitten into your house? This is a question that Pet Parents search for the minute they start thinking about getting a new pet into their lives. There’s ...
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Adopt or Shop? A Zoivane Analysis
While deciding on a pet, it’s best to learn about which breed would be most comfortable in your house & would be best suited for your lifestyle. It’s important to take into account factors like...
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Tick & Flea Prevention: A complete guide
While March to August can be broadly considered as “Tick & Flea season”, your pets are at risk of picking them whole year long. Dogs & cats are at equal risk of catching these parasites but...
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Common challenges faced by pet parents
Getting a pet is surely one of the best things you can do, as a pet parent and for the pet as well. As one says “Dog’s are a man's best friend”, Yes, they surely are! But there are many challenges...
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Tips to Train Your Mind for a Pet
Are you dealing with the same problem? I am the sole example here!! I Brought a pet at home six months back. I was totally thrilled with the entry of a new life at home, a cute hairy pup peepi...
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